Interesting & Valuable Web Site Links

This page lists an assortment of links that might be interesting, useful, or both. They're in no particular order, and they don't focus on any particular thing or idea. If you have other suggestions to add to this list, please let me know (and describe how you think it fits in to the theme (or non-theme) of this page). Thank you, and thanks for browsing.

  1. If you're interested in personal or workgroup fabrication, check out The Fab Company, which is the commercial development of the ideas developed at MIT with their FabLabs.
  2. Information about David Macfarlane:
  3. Letterpress Printing - FAQ (this is very helpful):
  4. The most interesting and accomplished open letterpress printing museum in the North East: Bowne & Company Stationers (drop by for a visit if you are in Manhattan)
  5. The venerable organization of type lovers (founded by Goudy and Bennett in the 30s): The Typophiles
  6. Gary's "Fast Facts" handbook - a great research resource:
  7. My favorite book store (or my favourite, if I remember I'm from Canada): (Cool interface - they've even got the color of each book!))
  8. An excellent explanation of ISO paper sizes by Markus Kuhn is at International standard paper sizes.

    Feel free to send me suggestions about other links that are useful, interesting, helpful, or some variation of those themes. I'm always looking for links to things that provide value or entertainment on the internet; it is only through people applying their judgement to filtering internet content that we can continue to extract value from the many new sources of information on the internet.

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